Course Design

Sharing and curating files and resources

One of the most important advantages of teaching online is the ability to share files and resources with others within the Cloud. By doing this, you create a one-stop-shop where learners can quickly access any files or resources that they need for the category at any time from anywhere they have an online connection. This includes files you create, like a course roadmap or syllabus, course expectations and policies, assignments, and assessments, as well as online resources, like websites, e-books, articles, blog posts, videos, podcasts, and more. I like to recommend sharing any resources in one location, like your learning management system or a shared folder on a Cloud-based platform like Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, or Dropbox.

Here on my LMS, you’ll see that I even have different resources shared inside these modules. Here, I even have a folder with course introduction resources, including the course roadmap, a digital citizenship agreement, also as course guidelines and expectations. I’ll scroll down and you’ll see that I even have different assignments as resources. I’ll click on one. And here you’ll see a resource that I created employing a page that allowed me to place within the text also as a video. So you’ll also share videos and links through your LMS. Take care though. When sharing something from another online source, it is vital to share the link or to embed it to offer credit to the first source and not violate any copyright laws. So use your learning management system or another Cloud-based platform to assist share resources with your learners.