Color incorporation in eLearning: Avoid certain colors in eLearning
Just as there are rules of what to incorporate in your eLearning, there are things to avoid also. Some colors are often downright difficult to read or give off the incorrect message. Here the bright red and exclamation point gives a sense of urgency, and that may not be the intention. Red is a common problematic color. The bright firetruck red is simply too bright on screen, unless necessary. The darker red is a far better choice. It’s more sophisticated and yet it still grabs attention. If it’s part of your brand, you must use it and follow the brand guidelines, but try to use it as an accent color only. All colors are known for evoking certain feelings and emotions.
For example, a dentistry course might include blue as an accent color, because of its calming nature. A bar or barroom might switch it up a touch with a vibrant orange, or a math course might work well with a relaxing shade of blue or green. Here are the most common colors and their emotions which you can use to your advantage. Red is often used to signify danger, so be mindful of this and use it sparingly. Orange is exciting and energetic, and yellow can convey compassion and optimism. Blue is calming and reassuring, so it’s often used in doctor’s offices and legal firms. Green is associated with money, but it’s also peaceful and calming.
It’s often used in environmental and nature-related courses. Purple is compassionate and regal, but it can also evoke sympathy. And brown is earthy and steady. Colors that are too bright to use in your eLearning courses and their toned-down counterparts. The bright yellow is often used as a highlight and it’s very hard to see and way too bright, the same with the green shade. The shades on the right are good alternatives that still show the color, but are far less distracting. And finally, here are a few things to consider when you’re choosing which colors to include and which colors to exclude from your courses. Your audience, remember the learner. A middle school eLearning course on social media will have a different look and feel than a human resources course for a law firm. Brand colors, remember to respect the brand and stick to your color palette. The colors may not be ideal, but you have to use them.
Another thing to keep in mind is artwork colors. Make sure you follow the rules for your artwork. In some cases, you may be able to alter the colors in your eLearning program, but just remember the color rules also apply to graphics. And finally, readability. We always keep an eye on readability. colors play a key role in that, so be sure your learner won’t have trouble deciphering the content. I hope these examples help you to see how important choosing the right colors can be. Avoid anything distracting and garish so your learner can stay focused on what you’re teaching them.